When a child take birth in the world he/she is unable to imagine that what will happen in this life . Some beautiful second we experienced in our life which felt like a heaven but at the same time we also faced some problems which we could not able to accept, but all this are part of our life and totally depend on us how to deal with it and the dealing capacity depends on our age and experience so , our life can be categorized into 3 stages they’re
1- childhood- from age 0 to 7
2- adolescence- from age 7 to 19
3- adulthood- post 19 age
This 3 stages contain different maturity level and thought process according to age and experience of practical life and it may change time to time and person to person.
The journey from adolescence to adult period is very important , "Magical" as well as "Critical" this period may be felt like a second for some people , and may felt like a long decade for others it depend upon the journey which they gone through . In the above statements when we use the word "Magical " It denotes the positive aspect of adolescence journey so can we address this journey as "THE PATH TO MATURITY AND BLOSSSOMING DREAMS .•THE UNFORGETTABLE JOURNEY OF SELF DISCOVERY 'l.
But at the same time we use the word "Critical" It denotes the dark reality of this journey it's like the "PERIOD FROM INNOCENCE TO UNCERTAINTY " .
And this title quote as above said is not only a title it has a very deep meaning behind it because the journey of adolescence is not just period of 10 years but also a life changing period which may be a " beautiful memories" or may be a "horror dream" .
Here I would like to use the word "life changing event" and I have reasonable justification why I used this word and the reason is
- when a child have a good environment and supportive friends and family which will make the travel easier and fell like adulthood welcomes the child with rose Petals and whispering in his / her ears that "THE WORLD IS YOURS : UNLOCKING YOUR POTENTIAL IN ADULTHOOD "And make your own stories in your own hand and fill the blank pages.
But at the same time we can not ignore that rose flowers also come with thorn and Some children go though this because of their environment which is not good enough for their betterment. The reason behind it is may be due to their parents and may be for their own fault. The reason behind the teenage tornado is different according to time. Example-
1) family problems
2) bad friend circle
3) drugs / alcohol addiction
4) career tension
5) school/ college over burden
We mostly influenced from our family members but during adolescence period we also influenced from friends and now a days we are getting influenced from social media. Social media is not just a platform it is a inseparable part of our life. Adolescence journey is not same during pre social media era. We can differentiate both era by giving a title as-
Every thing has good aspect and some bad aspect. Social media also has some good like to gain knowledge and we can initiate a step towards the technology era but at the same time some how we loss our connectivity with others people from whom we should actually get influenced like - family, teacher, guide etc.
But for adolescence getting influence from social media is not good because social media carry different, obscene and misguiding content which harm the mental health, and in this period children are not mature enough to understand the difference between good and bad. This is a trending and new problem which faced by children. But before "the screen era" children influenced from books , from their family members and teachers, which leads them to a simple life which did not contain the word like anxiety, depression, loneliness etc.
In pre social media also children face problems due to wrong influence but the follow the concept "The show must go on", they can able to use this theory because they were able face their problem . But now we make that same problem a bigger issue this is a point of concern but the most harsh reality is that we can not able to handle the problem, we have lost the problem solving skill and now children are not mentally strong enough and the reason is social media content and the fake news epidemic which is on high. While focusing on make connection with more and more people we loss " THE LIFE WITH LESS CONNECTION: THE PEACEFUL PAST"
Could I be allowed to make a statement that social media create an Illusion that is "ALONE TOGETHER " social media create Illusion that we all are together but beyond the social media we are alone and struggling with our loneliness or with own company. And today's adolescence face this problem every moment.
For the adolescence social media is a procedure of - " FROM FOLLOWERS TO FRIENDS AND FRIENDS TO STRANGERS" .
It is not only the duty of the child to be aware but also the duty of their parents to give attention towards their child and observe which type of content the child is consuming and prevent the problem from very begging.
At last I want to state my opinion that social media is very impressive innovation but for good purpose only, not for the reservation ticket to the social media isolation era. we should remember that "social media is only a small part of our life not the whole life".